What are people saying about ServerGenie?

ServerGenie.com gets 5 stars. The simple fact that they make my life easier when dealing with those confusing wordpress plugins. I have been dealing with a variety of hosting sites and outsourcing my website issues to various contractors. It just nice to have it all under one roof.

Simon PT, DPT Founder / Owner Manhanttan Physical Therapy
& Pain Center

Not knowing anything about setting up a hosting account and all that jazz, I have to admit I was a little more than just anxious. But I'm really impressed with the support and service you guys offer there at ServerGenie. The entire process was simple and easy and I highly recommend to anyone.

Bedros Keuilian Entrepreneur PTPower.com

ServerGenie lets me scale my websites as my traffic needs change frequently. When I needed to scale up to handle a large influx of traffic from a big affiliate, I was prepared and ready to go. There's even a cool little scroll bar where I can choose the resources I need on the fly.

Rick Kaselj Kinesiologist & Personal Trainer
focusing on Exercises for Injury

What are people saying about ServerGenie?

ServerGenie is a refreshing new alternative to hosting websites. As a marketer (not a techie), I have been very frustrated in the past with hosting services that are not responsive and don't speak to my in my native language - English!! I do not understand technical jargon and I don't want to learn it either. I just want to know how certain technical challenges can be overcome.

For example, I had a big launch date approaching where I big-time affiliate with an emai list of about 300,000 had agreed to promote my product. I was quite concerned the rush of traffic could crust my site and cost me a lot of cash. So I contacted my host and the response did not make me feel any more comfortable. In fact, it increased my already high-level of concern.

I immediately contacted Chris at ServerGenie and explained the situation. Within a few hours, the problem was solved. I slept easy and the launch went off without a hitch. ServerGenies support staff is very responsive, professional, and goes above and beyond the call of duty when necessary. They always respond the same day and usually within an hour. They even installed scripts for me.

When I decided to ditch my previous host and move everything over to ServerGenie. They handled the whole migration for me. What a relief it was to not have to deal with that hassle. ServerGenie gets my support and recommendation. If you're frustrated with your current host, do yourself a favor and contact ServerGenie today. It's amazing how one call removed so many hassles from my life.